Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Well hello there!
sorry we havent updated in a longggg while. we're not very good at this blog thing. Anyway, we're at the near end of our fall semester! we're getting ready for thanksgiving break! (which we need soooooooooooooo bad) This semester has been pretty interesting. We've met some cool people and have had a lot of fun. We had another flag football team this year! We were the Crayolas. yes, crayons. Andrea was the purple crayon, and Whitney was the red one. We made it to semi-finals again this year and then got out. yeah i know gay right?? Next year we'll be champions.
We also got to go to conference for the first time!! We were able to sit on the main plaza for the sunday morning session! it was an amazing experience we both will never ever forget. This semester has been full of ups and downs; with hard classes and too much homework and other stupid drama that follows any 20 year old girls, but we manage to make the best of it! When we come across stupid moments like that, we decide to stay up till 3 in the morning and do something crazy. Our most current early morning moment was a couple nights ago, and we decided to make music videos and re create Risky Business. :)

it was sooooooooooo funny! For some reason, we always come up with the most random, spur of the moment things to do and its hilarious. Well, I think thats all we have for you right now, if we think of anything else, i'm sure we'll add it.......sometime....hahaha until then ADIOS!!

1 comment:

  1. Andrea!!! Guess who just got a blog and is trying to find other people with blogs??? ME! And I found youuu! Check out mine:
